Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Three-Way Tantrum

This is a family favorite from earlier this summer, so apologies to any grandmas who were hoping for new pics. Been busy...

Please check out more Wordless Wednesday participants here and here.


Anonymous said...

great shot! love to be a kid again lol!

Nicole said...

Cute pic (although it probably wasnt cute at the time!) lol 1 year old twins, eh? You have your hands full!

Jessie said...

ah, aren't playdates fun? Happy WW

tammi said...

Ah, good times, good times! Just another relaxing day at the beach!!

Anonymous said...

awww--I'd like to know what caused this chain reaction. Too cute.

Unknown said...

Oh no! What a great capture, though!

Lil Knitter said...

Great photo...time for a group hug!

Anonymous said...

Hey it's me...Shama lama mama pajama! Very funny! What a priceless photo. They'll think it's funny when they're older!

Paula said...

That is the BEST photo (well probably not for the kids)! LOL

DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

Good God! I can HEAR them through the photo!!!

Praise and Coffee said...

Oh that is so funny! I'm sure it wasn't at the time though!

Pea Pod Mommy said...

What a GREAT picture! Don't you want to join in?