Sunday, February 10, 2008

New Hobbies: Spittin' in the Sun!


Ethan and Luka: PPLLPLllplpllpllpppffffpplplplpl!!!!!

Luka and Ethan: PPllplpllfff!!!!

Michael: Sounds like you got things pretty well under control?

Karen: Oh yeah, we're great.

Michael: Okay.

Luka: Cheese!!!!


Snowbird said...

What a great way to start the morning--watching my grandkids spitting!! That was hilarious. Keep 'em coming.

Snowbird said...

If you notice more than one--or two--or three visits back here, it's because we keep watching the video over and over and over.

Uncle Bob sends his love. He has a couple of goodies for you from Aunt Marilyn. I have them and will get them to you someday--maybe

Unknown said...

Funny! :)
I am inviting you to check out my new mom blog directory to list your blog, and I have a fab purse contest going on as well. Thank you! :)