Thursday, October 25, 2007

Spooky Face

Found this picture today by Irfan Khan via Associated Press . I in no way want to minimize the loss of this family, but THAT is a really cool picture! I love the skull-face in the house. This picture and other very good shots can be found here.


Snowbird said...

Wow, some of those pictures are amazing. I can't imagine being that close to the fires. Some are heartbreaking--the one of the lady with her hands to her mouth and of course, the ones of the animals. And the ones of the firefighters--what can you say. These guys and gals are out there putting their lives on the line every minute. This whole thing must be so terrifying to everyone living anywhere near the area. Thanks for posting these. And yes, the one of the scary house is really unique. What a shot.

elaine@bloginmyeye said...

Thanks for posting the link to all those pictures. I hadn't looked at the coverage in that level of detail yet. Knowing you are there experiencing it all makes it even more touching. Blogging opens up the world in a unique way. Best, Elaine

Qtpies7 said...

Whoa, that is crazy!

Sonya said...

It is a wild picture. I can't imagine the devastation some families are feeling from these fires. I think alot of people think because you have insurance, things will be ok. But that doesn't even speak to the fact that this is your home...your safe place. And it's totally destroyed.