Friday, May 30, 2008

It Was Bound to Happen Eventually

Noah, at the ripe old age of five (and a HALF!), finally learned the real truth to the deep, dark family secret that we have been keeping from him all these years: that the lyrics to the age-old song go, "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!"

And not, as he had thought, and we had allowed him to believe...

"If you're happy and you're Noah, clap your hands!"

He is doing as well as can be expected.


nch said...

that was funny!

Snowbird said...

Aw, poor Noah. I guess this is just the first of many many disappointments in his life huh? LOL. Of course, I'm the one who used to sing "Where is Noah?" instead of "Where is Thumbkin?"

gpc said...

He is such a cutie. If I were happy and I were Noah I'd STILL clap my hands!

But thanks for the timely reminder. I've done the same sort of thing with my grandkids . . . clearly there are dark days ahead as they wise up, hopefully not until they are five (and a HALF)!

Robyn Jones said...

That's awesome!

Cindy said...

Aww poor fella. Hey, he's always got that ark thing going for him. ;)